West Bengal Chief Minister Mamata banerjee reached to the plains of Darjeeling district after taking stock of the situation in the hills. Her visit came after influential Gorkha Janmukti Morcha (GJM) called for a bandh for the revival of Gorkhaland agitation, leading to violence in the hills.
Mamata Banerjee rode in a vehicle and made announcements about ensuring peace in the hills. She asked people to stay clam, adding that the government is making sure normalcy will be restored in the district. She also urged the local shopkeepers to open their shops and told tourists to not worry.
The Trinamool Congress government has also started a free bus service from Darjeeling for the stranded people. She said that she is monitoring the situation. “I am continuing to monitor the situation from here. There have been enough compromises. But compromise can’t happen when threatened with bombs,” said Banerjee.
“The government has compromised a lot and the people of hills have endured a lot. The bandh is illegal and we will take legal action against those who took part in it. Those who are setting public properties on fire will not go scot-free. The government will not compromise with those who put lives of tourists in danger by organising violent protests and cause disruption to the common man by creating unrest. The government is very tough,” added the West Bengal Chief Minister.
Even as the situation improved in the hills, the Army continued to patrol Darjeeling, Kalimpong and Kurseong towns. Six Army teams, each comprising 43 personnel, have been deployed in the three hill towns after Thursday’s flare up.
A large contingent of police force will be on stand-by in Darjeeling today. Special vehicles will be provided to state government employees and bank officials. Police are also likely to make some preventive arrests on Sunday.
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