In a surprising incident, a constable of the Mumbai Police tried to run over a man with his car after an arguement over money. According to reports, the cop identified as Ramesh Awate, works with the Special Branch of the Mumbai Police. He knocked down Atul Pethe, on April 21. The incident took place in Pachpakdi in Thane and was caught on CCTV.
Awate had notably served the late encounter specialist Vijay Salaskar as a driver. Salaskar had given up his life fighting terrorists in the 26/11 Mumbai terror attack. Pethe in his complaint alleged that that Awate came to his store, run by the former’s sister, and picked up a fight with him over a financial dispute. When Pethe tried to record the filthy tirade against him, Awate got into his Innova and drove it straight into him.
Awate was then dragged by Pethe, who managed to climb over onto the car’s bonnet and was saved by people who were present nearby, following which, Awate reversed the car and fled.
#WATCH: Mumbai constable Ramesh Awate trying to run man over with his car after argument over money in Thane, Awate is on the run. (21/04)
— ANI (@ANI_news) May 2, 2017
Once old friends, Awate had borrowed Rs 3 lakh from Pethe’s mother and was refusing to pay it back. Inspite of regular reminders, Awate failed to pay the money and would be enraged every time he was reminded of it.
The incident is being investigated and the cops are yet to make any arrests. According to police, Awte has been booked under IPC sections 279 (rash driving) and 504 (intentional insult with intent to provoke breach of the peace.
Awate was earlier also booked for extortion. He had tried to extort Rs 15 lakhs along with another cop of the Mumbai Police from Munaf Kasmani in 2010.
Kasmani was arrested for his involvement in the Rs 14 crores IT refund scam. Money was illegaly transferred to bogus bank accounts of IT assesses opened by a gang led by IT inspector Pramod Prabhakar.
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