Prime Minister Narendra Modi unveiled the 112-foot-tall statue dedicated to ‘Adiyogi’ in Coimbatore on February 24 on the occasion of Maha Shivratri. The statue was unveiled at Sadhguru Jaggi Vasudev’s Isha Foundation in Coimbatore. PM Modi arrived at the Sulur Air Base today evening before leaving for the Isha centre in a chopper. Earlier in the day, PM Modi gave “Heartfelt greetings and best wishes on the occasion of Maha Shivratri” to the people via Twitter.
Maha Shivratri which means the Great Night of Shiva is being celebrated on Friday in the honour of lord Shiva. While Shivratri occurs in every luni solar month of the Hindu calendar, on the month’s 13th night and 14th day, but Maha Shivaratri is celebrated once a year in late winter February or March.
Watch the entire speech of Prime Minister Narendra Modi while unveiling 112-foot-tall statue dedicated to ‘Adiyogi’.
Earlier in the morning, the event made headlines not because of the extravagant height of the statute but because of allegations over the godman’s environmental credentials.
Activists and environmental groups have urged PM Modi not to take part in the event as the foundation has often been in the line of fire for violating construction rules and disregarding the environment of the region.
The protestors claimed that their objection was not due to any religious reasons but only due to the hazards that the foundation is imposing on the environment. Speaking to reporters, Retired Madras high court judge D. Hariparanthaman said that the visit by the Prime Minister is likely to “interfere with the administration of justice” and may give legitimacy to the foundation’s actions.
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