Arnab Goswami-led Republic TV has gained immense popularity since its inception a few months ago. But the English language news channel has not had a steady run without its share of controversies and facing accusations of being biased towards the ruling BJP. Recently, student politician Shehla Rashid had lashed out at a journalist from the channel, asking him to leave the protest event that was held against the killing of journalist Gauri Lankesh. Now, Republic TV is back in the news after a female journalist was caught on camera misbehaving with Vishal Thakur, father of 7-year-old Pradyuman Thakur who was murdered inside the washroom of Ryan International School in Gurugram.
Pradyuman’s brutal murder sparked an outrage across the country regarding the safety of children inside schools. His father has appeared on several television channels, talking about the issue. Times Now, in a report, claimed that when Vishal Thakur was speaking to its reporter in a scheduled interview, a female journalist belonging to Republic TV tried to interrupt it. According to the report, she even tried to remove the lapel mic which was fixed on Thakur’s collar. The entire fiasco was aired live as the Times Now reporter tried to stop the rival channel’s journalist from detaching the mic off Thakur and further disrupting the interview.
You can watch the video here.
On Wednesday, the Bombay High Court granted interim protection to Ryan International Group of Institutions’ founders Augustine Pinto and Grace Pinto from arrest till September 13. Meanwhile, two top officials of the Gurugram school who got arrested after the murder of Pradyuman Thakur were remanded to two-day police custody.
Also read: Ryan school murder: 8 loopholes in the 7-year-old Gurugram student’s death case
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