With India celebrating its 71st independence day, Bollywood composers Salim Sulaiman released a new song deidcated to Indian soldiers on August 14. The song titled ‘Mera Desh Hi Dharam’ drew laurels from none other tha Prime Minister Narendra Modi. Taking to Twitter, the Prime Minister wrote,”Lovely rendition @salim_merchant Bhai and @Sulaiman Bhai. You convey a very strong message through the video. #MeraDeshHiDharam.”
Salim shared the poster of the song on Twitter and thanked Prime Minister Narendra Modi for its ‘inception.’
Lovely rendition @salim_merchant Bhai and @Sulaiman Bhai. You convey a very strong message through the video. #MeraDeshHiDharam https://t.co/rEOjY9C2i2
— Narendra Modi (@narendramodi) August 15, 2017
Speaking with News agency ANI, Salim Merchant said, “A few months back, we met Prime Minister Narendra Modi who suggested we should make a song for the country to celebrate the 70th Independence Day. We really liked the suggestion and decided to release the song on August 15.”
“We dedicate the song to the jawans who happily sacrifice their lives for the sake of their nation. With this feeling and emotion, Sulaiman and I created this song. The lyrics that have been penned down by Sandeep Srivastava also express the same sentiment,” he added.
I am INDIAN, #MeraDeshHiDharam Thank U @narendramodi ji for the inception of this song. https://t.co/odnfKtZVkC #IndepedenceDay @Sulaiman __ pic.twitter.com/pxjiPclgcp
— salim merchant (@salim_merchant) August 14, 2017
While Suleiman, on the other hand said, “It’s been 70 years of Independence, and most of the songs are made for the country but it has never happened that a song has been made for the jawans. We are independent because of our army.”
Salim-Sulaiman have composed for films such as Kaal, Iqbal, Dor, Chak De! India, Fashion, Rab Ne Bana Di Jodi and Kurbaan.
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