Shiv Sena MP Ravindra Gaikwad, who is in the eye of storm for hitting a 60-year-old Air India staffer, went to watch Bollywood movie — ‘Badrinath ki Dulhaniya’ to “relax” himself. The Osmanabad MP continues to be unapologetic despite facing huge criticism for his shocking behaviour. Speaking with reporters at Maharshtra Bhavan earlier today, Gaikwad said “kaahe ka pashchaataap (what is there to repent)?” “I will not apologise…he (AI Manager Sukumar) should come and apologise… then we will see. A 60-year-old man should also know how to behave,”
“I hit the staffer 25 times, not just once. I kept asking for a complaint book but they kept refusing,” boasted Gaikwad who hit the duty manager with slippers after he was allegedly refused a business class seat.
Asked what he did after the assault, he said he went to watch a Bollywood movie — ‘Badrinath ki Dulhaniya’ — last night to “relax” himself after journalists sought his reaction over the incident.
“Tension-free hona chahiye na…you also watch the movie…it’s very good,” he added. When asked whether his act brought shame to the parliament,The first-time lawmaker, non-challantly also said he had in fact made the parliament proud.
After Air India, six private airliners — IndiGo, Jet Airways, Air Asia SpiceJet, Vistara and GoAir — also banned him from flying.
Meanwhile, Civil Aviation Minister Ashok Gajapathy Raju has promised that action would be taken against Gaikwad.
The national carrier has lodged two FIRs against the Osmanabad MP, while the Shiv Sena has sought an explanation from him.
“Police can arrest me…my party, Uddhav saheb will take care of it,” he said.
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