Minister of Social Justice and Empowerment, Thawar Chand Gehlot who is one of the most known faces of the Bharatiya Janata Party (BJP) in Madhya Pradesh recently took a strong stand against casteism in the society while asserting that the people from the upper caste openly discriminate adding that it was ironic that people from the lower caste make idols but are forbidden to enter the temples.
While speaking at the national symposium on Dr B R Ambedkar in Ujjain, Gehlot said that people from the lower caste are made to dig up wells but aren’t allowed t drink water from that well. Emphasising on the fact that discrimination still exists in the society, Gehlot said that when a person from the lower case makes pond the labourers spit in their and even take a dump there while it is under construction but once the people from the upper caste take charge of the pond they even refuse to allow people from lower caste take water from there by saying that the pond may become impure, Indian Express reported.
“You make us dig up wells, but once it’s yours you forbid us from drinking water from there. You ask he labourers to work to make a pond for you, out sweat falls there, we spit, and sometimes even don’t go to urinate there instead of going far away. but when we want to use it you say that the pond will become impure. We even make idols and you install the idols in the temples with mantras but shut the doors of the temple for us. Who will mend this? We made the idols, you paid for it, let us at least touch it once its installed.” he said.
Gehlot who himself belongs to the scheduled caste told the daily that even the situation was better now he did receive a number of instances where discrimination is clearly evident.
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