In a major goof-up by the education department of the Shivraj Singh Chauhan government in Madhya Pradesh, it issued the transfer order of the teacher who passed away four years ago. The incident which took place recently shows that the records of the teachers were not updated by the education department due to which such a goof-up happened.
As per a report in News, the teacher Fakeer chand Gurjar who was a resident of Bahi village died of heart attack four years ago. However, it seems that the education department had not updated its records due to which his transfer orders to Malhargarh were issued by the officials of the Bhopal education department.
The department issued the orders of Fakeer chand’s transfer on its website. The incident has left family members and relatives of Fakeer Chand in shock and they have demanded an inquiry into the matter. However realising its mistake, the department immediately removed the name of Fakeerchand from its records as well as from the transfer list.
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This is not the first time when such carelessness from the officials of the education department have come to light, last year too a similar incident happened in Ranchi. As per a report in the Times of India, the transfer orders of two dead and one retired officers were issued by the Ranchi University.
As soon as the incident came to light, the university put up another updated list in place of the previous one. The new list included 8 names which were not there in the previous list. The college authorities on the goof-up said that the mistake took place they prepared the list in haste.
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