Delhi Chief Minister Arvind Kejriwal has turned 49 today. The Aam Aadmi Party convener’s life has always been dramatic ever since he launched his anti-corruption crusade. From an honest civil services officer to the famous anti-corruption movement and then his meteoric rise to power, his life has all the makings of a Bollywood film. Kejriwal himself is a huge cinema enthusiast and often shares his views on weekend releases. So, if a film is made on his life which actor can play him best. We have prepared a list of five actors who can best portray Kejriwal on screen
Anil Kapoor:
Kejriwal rise as Delhi chief minister has an uncanny resemblance with Anil Kapoor’s Nayak. Like Kapoor’s character in Nayak, Kejriwal is also in a hurry to clean up the system. Like the film, he had been exposing the corrupt system and shortcoming of the government. After his spectacular debut in Delhi assembly elections, posters of Anil Kapoor-starrer Nayak, with Kejriwal as the new “nayak” were everywhere. Both Kapoor and Kejriwal proudly sport a moustache, so who else better than Anil Kapoor?!
Manoj Bajpayee:
Bajpayee, known for his chameleon like acting skills could be an apt choice for playing Kejriwal . His character in Ram Gopal Verma’s Sarkar 3 was loosely based on Delhi Chief Minister. However, on comparisons with Kejriwal, Ramu praised Bajpayee as a fantastic actor but called him a ‘far lesser actor’ than Delhi Chief minister.”I think @BajpayeeManoj is a fantastic actor but definitely a far lesser actor than @ArvindKejriwal”
Rajkummar Rao:
Nawazuddin Siddiqui:
Siddiqui is another great choice for playing IITian turned politician. It is very hard to find a talent who can play a psychopath (Badlapur) or a depressed novelist (Sadat Hasan Manto) with equal ease. You can put Siddiqui in the same frame with Khans even then he holds everyone’s attention. After nearly 15 years of struggle, this NSD graduate shot into fame with Gangs of Wasseypur.
Arvind Kejriwal:
IF you will ask his rivals, they will say it is very hard to match the level of theatrics Kejriwal gets into. So who else better than the chief minister himself. It is also said that he took a keen interest in theatre and acting during his days in IIT Kharagpur. 😀
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