Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath is known for controversial statements and often receives flak for the same. After claiming that Taj Mahal was built by the labourers of India during his maiden visit to the monument last month, UP CM while addressing a gathering in Raipur on November 13, said that the word ‘secular’ was the ‘biggest lie’ that has been told since India’s independence. And that “people who use it should apologise to the people” of the country.
The UP CM said,
I believe that the word ‘secular’ is the biggest lie since independence. The people who gave birth to this lie and those who use it should apologise to the people of this country. No system can be secular. A political system can be sect neutral.
Here’s what he said as reported by The Indian Express:
Mera maanna hai ki azadi ke baad Bharat mein sabse bada jhooth dharmnirpeksh shabd hai. Nagrikon ke saath, Bharat ke logon ke saath… un logon ko maafi maangni chahiye, jinhone is shabd ko janm diya aur jo yeh shabd istemaal karte hai… koi vyavastha dharmnirpeksh nahin ho sakti. Rajneetik vyavastha panthnirpeksh ho sakti hai. Agar koi humse kahega ki shasan us upasna vidhi se chalni chahiye, toh nahin chal sakti. UP ke andar dekhunga to 22 crore logon ko dekhna hoga. Mein in logon ke suraksha ke prati, unki bhavnaon ke prati javabdeh hoon. Lekin ek samuday ka dushtikaran karne ke liye bhi nahin baitha hoon. Panthnirpeksh ho lekin dharmnirpeksh nahin ho sakta.
The BJP leader also said that distorting history was no less than sedition. Here’s what he said,
Itihas ko tod-marod ke prastut karna, rashtradroh se kam nahin.
Apart from this, the UP CM blamed the Congress for toying with the core emotions of the country for its selfish motives. He said that the party had divided the nation based on caste, language and region.
Accusing the Congress party, he said,
Congress ne is desh ki mool bhavnayon ke saath khilvaad kiya. Apne swarth ke liye is desh ko jaati ke naam par, bhasha ke naam par, kshetra ke naam par vibhajit kya.
Meanwhile, Twitterati had a hilarious response to the statement. Here’s how they reacted:
People: Sir what measures have you taken to bring down child mortality rate in UP ?
Yogi Adityanath : https://t.co/eT66VB7oR0
— Nooriya (@Nooriyasays) November 14, 2017
Chitrakoot has already replied! https://t.co/cMKkUGTMlY via @IndianExpress
— SK Iyer (@iyer_sk) November 14, 2017
Secular word is the biggest lie, says Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath https://t.co/2arVNP6bCk Bharat main rehna hain toh Yogi Yogi kehna hain!
— THAT I AM (@iSaakshi) November 14, 2017
For Yogi Adityanath secularism is a lie. Why? Reason is simple. In a secular system Yogis and Mahants like him hold no power.
Though many have used secularism as an excuse for appeasement. Calling it a lie is absolutely idiotic.— Nitesh Pandey (@NiteshP33964174) November 14, 2017
30 babies died in BRB Hospital in Gorakhpur over 2 days. No One Can Dare To Harm Cows In UP, Says Yogi Adityanath https://t.co/Lh9UXLRjKg
— Faye DSouza (@fayedsouza) November 6, 2017
Yogi Adityanath of the House Gorakhnath, the First of his Name, Mahant of Gorakhnath Math, Destroyer of Illegal Abbatoirs, Friend to Majestic Beasts, the Bane of Mlecchas, the Slayer of Adharmikas, Protector of Hindus, the Warrior Priest, Son of Ayodhya and the King in the North.
— MindFlayer (@Memaaradhya) November 8, 2017
Secular word is the biggest lie, says Uttar Pradesh CM Yogi Adityanath
This is Modern India
— Shivam (@IamSTweets) November 14, 2017
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