Just days after the daughter of the Kargil martyr daughter Gurmehar Kaur’s video went viral, another video of an RSS and BJP supporter’s 12-year-old daughter is now making its way to the social media. In an extremely distressing video, 12-year-old Vismaya holds a placard that read as,”they murdered not just my dad but my whole family.”
In a bid to seek answers, Vismaya through the video asserts that she still doesn’t know why her father was killed and seeks answers for the same. “My name is Vismaya. I am 12 years old. I am from Kannur, Kerala. I am a class 8 student of Kadambur HSS. I dream of becoming an IPS officer to serve my poor villagers. My father wanted to fulfil my dreams. A night swept away all my dreams. His only mistake was he supported RSS and BJP. I see only darkness in my future. They murdered not just my dad but the whole family. They murdered not just my dad my dreams and future. They murdered not just my dad but our food and water. I see only darkness, a complete darkness. I am not yet answered why they killed my father,” the placards read as.
This comes against the backdrop of several incidents of RSS and BJP workers being murdered in the left-ruled Kerala.
Vismaya, Daughter of Santoshkumar, says “They murdered not just my dad, but my dreams and future” pic.twitter.com/UJwVo2ppME
— J Nandakumar (@kumarnandaj) March 8, 2017
Two Civil Society groups in Meghalaya had also sought President Pranab Mukherjee’s intervention to stop attacks on RSS and BJP workers in Kerala. The two groups — Meghalaya Citizens Forum for Human Rights (MCFHR) and Meghalaya Conscious Citizen Forum (MCCF) — had also staged a protest in Shillong against the attacks.
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