In a horrific incident, a 16-year-old girl was allegedly gangraped and murdered in Halaila village of Shimla, earlier this month. The girl who was a class 10 student went missing on July 4 while she was returning from school. The police found her body in a forest two days after her parents lodged a missing complaint.
Her postmortem report that confirmed rape reportedly stated that she was strangulated to death. The post-mortem report also revealed that she had injuries all over his face and body. The minor’s death led to massive protests across the city with people demanding immediate action against the perpetrators.
Her devasted father said it was only that day his deceased daughter who usually come back from school with her brother had decided to come back alone. He further added that since childhood he used to tell her to be careful of the wild animals adding that he should have warned her about the dangerous men. “I had always warned her about wild animals, that she should watch out, especially for bears, on the way, but she would say, ‘Relax, papa… No one can harm me’. I wish I had warned her about men who are worse than beasts,” her father said.
Her grieving mother asserted that she is certain that her daughter was drugged, raped and thrown off in the forest. “Didn’t anyone hear my daughter’s cries? Weren’t people passing through that area? A little after my daughter, several children from the school, even a teacher, passed that way. And nobody saw or heard anything? I am certain my daughter was kidnapped, taken somewhere, drugged, raped and finally, her body was thrown here,” she said.
Following the outrage, the case was handed over to the CBI. Six people have been arrested in connection with the case.
Source: Indian Express
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