To bring the child sex ratio under control in Uttar Pradesh, Yogi Adityanath government has come up with a new plan as per which pregnant women who will give information on the diagnostic centres and hospitals involved in prenatal sex determination will be awarded a cash price of Rs 1 lakh.
As per this new scheme which will be launched on July 1 with the support of the National Health Mission, the government will spend a total of Rs 2 lakh to those who will help in bursting such rackets. Rs 60,000 will be given to an informer who will provide information about such hospitals and diagnostic centres which are indulging in this illegal activity. A pregnant woman who will act as a ‘decoy’ will be given a reward of Rs 1 lakh and the person who agrees to accompany woman and can also act as an “independent witness” will be given Rs 40,000.
The payment will be done in three phases- First when the operation is successful, second when the witness appears in the court and last at the time of conviction. The identity of those involved in it will not be disclosed. However, if wrong information is given by the women or the informer then they will put in “blacklist”.
According to the Economic Times, the 2011 census reveals that there are 902 girl children per 1,000 boy children, which was 916 females per 1, 000 boy children in 2001.
In a letter written by UP’s principal secretary (health) Prashant Dwivedi to all the district magistrates, he stated “The reducing child sex ratio in the state is a serious issue of worry. There is an urgent need to crack down on the illegal activity of female foeticide and illegal sex determination”.
Some other states like Haryana, Punjab and Rajasthan are too running similar schemes where around 40% of the reward amount is given to the pregnant women who act as decoys.
(Source: Economic Times)
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