Uttar Pradesh Chief Minister Yogi Adityanath has ordered the removal of the word ‘Samajwadi’ from various development schemes running in the state, saying ‘Mukhyamatri’ should be used in its place.
“All the schemes in which the term Samajwadi is used should be presented before the cabinet so that they can be reviewed and the word should be replaced with Mukhyamantri,” the CM said at a review meeting late last evening.
The previous SP government would typically add the word to the development schemes in the state. Even ambulances run under National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) were named Samajwadi Ambulance service.
Earlier, the BJP government had decided to not distribute over 60 lakh ration cards printed by the Akhilesh Yadav government as they featured a photograph of the former chief minister.
Addressing another meeting, the CM directed the Energy Department to ensure 24 hour power supply in district headquarters, 20 hours in tehsils and 18 hours in rural areas.
There must be uninterrupted power supply between 6 PM to 6 AM in rural areas, he said. The Chief Minister said in the next 100 days, five lakh new power connections should be distributed, and defective transformers should be replaced in 24 hours in urban and in 48 hours in rural areas.
Soon after assuming charge, Adityanath had given a stern message to officials that those who were not prepared to work 18-20 hours a day were free to make way. “The state government will not tolerate any laxity in implementation of its schemes. Officers willing to work 18-20 hours a day can continue with the government or else, they are free to leave,” he had declared on his home turf of Gorakhpur.
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