In a shocking incident, a third year engineering student of a reputed college in Mumbai committed suicide by jumping from the 19th floor room of a five-star hotel in Bandra (West). Just before jumping to death, the student shot a live video via Facebook.
The deceased has been identified as Arjun Bharadwaj. He broke the glass window of the hotel room and jumped to death. The cops have found nine short suicide notes on the table in room number 1925.
The video shows Bharadwaj talking about “steps” before committing suicide. The deceased had checked into the hotel at around 3:00 am. He reportedly stayed in the room all day and the video shows that he consumed cigarette, alcohol and food before committing suicide.
In one of the notes, Bharadwaj reportedly mentioned that he was under depression and was fed up with his life. He also said sorry to his parents in the note.
The incident came to light when a security guard saw Bharadwaj lying in a pool of blood at the hotel premises. He was rushed to Leelavati Hospital but was declared brought dead.
The Mumbai Police has also recorded the statement of one of Bharadwaj’s friend who said that the 23-year-old was depressed in the last couple of weeks. He had told his friend that he was good for nothing.
The cops are now checking the social media profile of the youth ascertain the motives behind the drastic measure.
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