The 90s was an experimental era- the hair, the shoes, the dresses et al. Everything was either super lowkey or really over the top, there was no in between. We’ve come a long long way since the 90s with our tastes in accessories and outfits becoming more refined. Though a bunch of trends like chokers and oversized jackets have made a (rather glorious) comeback, there are certain trends from the 90s that should, err..stay in the 90s.
Checkout our list of 7 horrible trends from the 90s that should NEVER make a comeback:
Huge platform sandals
Why were these ever a thing?
Mushroom cut
We’ve all had this once in our lives, and honestly, this is the last thing that should ever be revived.
Seashell/beads necklaces
This have a quintessential 90s vibe and the only time you should see these in 2017 is while flicking through old photo albums.
🙂 #scottweiland #stonetemplepilots #grunge #90s
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OD’ing on bracelets
Yes, friendship bracelets count too.
The Rachel
Though this haircut wasn’t bad, it’s overdone to a point where we really don’t wanna see another generation of Rachel Green lookalikes pop up.
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No, just no.
If you’re above the age of 5 and have overalls in your wardrobe, burn them. ASAP.
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