Beauty is pain, but the real pain is handling all the irritating people around you who can’t seem to move past your good looks. While most people think being pretty is a bed of roses, it’s not that fun when you are constantly called a pretty-face and are assumed to be dumb (because you can’t be smart if you’re good-looking, duh!)
While having a pretty face never hurts, it really screws your head when the emphasis on your looks goes overboard. Are you guilty of ‘pretty-shaming’ people too? From cracking ‘bimbo’ jokes to sending out contacts of modelling agencies, Here’s our list of 7 things you should never say to a good-looking person (you know, ’cause they have feelings too!). Read on to find out:
You probably have a lot of girlfriends/boyfriends!
Umm, there’s a thin line between good looking and promiscuous. Scratch that, there’s a very thick line between the two. They’re two extremely different things. Comprende?
ALSO READ: 5 things you should never say to a bisexual person
Have you tried auditioning for movies?
No, not every good-looking person wants to be the next Hrithik Roshan or Katrina Kaif. Stop trying to push everybody into Bollywood.
Are you a model?
The stereotype that every good-looking person is obviously signed with an agency is such a cliche. Pls staph.
Your life must be pretty easy.
Umm, why? How? How does your brain even function? Why are you like this?
Is your partner good-looking too?
Let’s bust a myth: Good looking people only date good looking people? That’s a lie.
Don’t overheat your brain, pretty-face.
Beauty and brains isn’t an imaginary concept, there are good looking people with IQ higher than yours.
Why do you need a job, you’re so good looking!
Yeah, good looking people need jobs too. It’s not like they just walk down the street and people randomly hand out money cuz they look good (although that would make life pretty easy).
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