Let’s get one thing straight: Being tall is not that easy. Walking around with a huge body, gravity working extra hard to pull you down, the constant fear of getting hit by a ceiling fan and all that jazz. The last thing a tall person wants is a bunch of 5-foot tall midgets running around him, screaming generic tall person jokes. Would you ask a fat person how much do they eat? If the answer is yes, (horrible, horrible person you) you need to read our list of things you should absolutely never say to a tall person.
From unoriginal giraffe jokes to outright offensive jokes, here’s our list of things you absolutely shouldn’t say to a tall person. Read it. Read it again. Never forget it. Ever.
“Aye, how’s the weather up there?”
Seriously? Could you be any more unoriginal?
“Do you play basketball?”
I can start if you volunteer to be the ball.
ALSO READ: 5 things you should never say to a bisexual person
“Were you always this tall?”
Yep, I was 6’2 when I came out of the womb.
“I swear every time I see you, you get taller!”
Guess some people just never stop growing!
“You must have huge feet”
I do but stop pointing it out, okay!
“You’re tall, please move to the back for the photo”
No, my gorgeous face needs to be in the front.
“Please clean my ceiling fan”
Sure, should I mop your floors too?
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