Winter means pretty mufflers, caps, gorgeous boots, coats and flaky dry skin. And no amount of “chip,chip” cold cream can save you from the embarrassment of being of what we call the winter casualty. You know, walking around with dry skin slathered with oily cream.
So, we put together a few good-to-know simple hacks that can bring you the much needed respite from the dreaded dry skin.
Let’s get started.
Add coconut oil to your bath routine
If there’s one thing from your kitchen that can help you deal with literally all kinds of skin problem, removing makeup and blemishes, hands down it is coconut oil. For treating dry skin in winters, all you need to do is apply coconut oil on your body around 15 minutes before taking a hot bath. For better results, follow this skin care routine regularly.
Make glycerin a must in your bath routine
Just like the coconut oil, glycerin too is one the safest and most natural way to fight dry skin in winter. Add 2-3 tsp of glycerin to your bath water everyday and notice the difference in a week’s time. Glycerin naturally moisturizes your skin and makes it baby soft.
A hydragel mask to the rescue
If your skin is insanely dry and just regular moisturizing wont help, use a hydragel mask overnight. It not just softens and dhydrates your skin, but also removes dead skin and enhances skin hydration.
Oatmeal bath if your skin is dry and itchy
Having a dry skin is one thing and having dry skin with itchiness is another thing. When you have a skin condition like that, all you need to do is grind oatmeal into a fine powder in a blender and add it your bath water. It soothes itchy skin and calms inflammation.
Homemade lip balm for dry lips
Dry and flaky lips are just annoying TBH. So what do you do when no amounts of lip balms and chapsticks work? Well, make your own lip scrub. Prepare a mixture of coconut oil, honey and raw sugar and apply it on your lips before applying lip color
The balancing act of moisturizing
We know the basic formula of dealing with dry skin, moisturize. But here’s where you need a little more precision with your skin care. Instead of using a thick moisturizer (which actually collects all the dust and make your skin look dull), use a moisturizing cleanser so that your skin is naturally moisturized at all times.
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