Blackheads are ugly bumps that usually occur around the nose and cheeks, during adolescent years. Usually black or yellow in colour, it gets formed due to a combination of excess sebum and build-up of dirt and dead skin cells, when a clog develops in the opening of hair follicles. Many of us try to get rid of this problem with scrubbing, however, just so that you know, it only makes it worse. To assist you better, here we share five most effective home remedies to unclog your pores.
Clay Care: Clay is capable of soaking oils and impurities from the skin and this makes it an effective remedy for blackheads.
Remedy: Mix 1 tablespoon of clay with 1 tablespoon of apple cider vinegar. Apply this mixture on the area where you have blackheads. Allow this to dry for 15-20 minutes. Now, take a warm towel, press it against the mask and gently wipe off the clay.
Egg White Therapy: Egg white is capable of tightening your skin pores and thus reduces chances of future blackheads.
Remedy: Separate the yolk from the white. Pat your face dry. Now apply a thin layer of egg white on your skin either with a face pack brush or with your finger. As the first layer dries, apply another layer, let it dry. Now gently wash your face with water to clear any residue.
Honey and Milk Remedy: A combination of antibacterial properties and lactic acid, this remedy works wonders.
Remedy: Take one tablespoon of organic raw honey, 1 teaspoon of milk and a strip of cotton. Heat this mixture of honey and milk for 5-10 seconds. When it’s comfortable on the skin, apply a thin layer of mixture on the affected area. Now pat a strip of dry and clean cotton on against this mask. Let it dry for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with cold water.
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Cinnamon & Honey combo: It is a wonderful combo to get rid of those ugly bumps.
Remedy: Take 1 tablespoon of cinnamon powder, 1 tablespoon of organic honey and a clear strip of cotton. Make a paste with these ingredients. Apply a thin layer of this paste on the affected area; press a strip of clean cotton against it. Let it dry for 5 minutes. Now rinse off with water.
Steam It Out: Steam works by softening dead skin cells that caused blackheads.
Remedy: Fill a bowl with boiling water. Cover your head with a towel and lean over this bowl for 5-10 minutes. Let steam loosen up your pores. Now rinse your face with warm water and pat firmly and gently with a dry and clean towel. While trying all these remedies, one thing we need to remember is skin care is a balancing act. It’s best to try and prevent the blackheads in the first place by keeping up a good skin care regime.
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