Bollywood actresses Deepika Padukone also made her grand debut at Met Gala 2017. Though she failed to impress fashion police with her choice of clothes, Deepika looked ravishing. She looked gorgeous in a backless silk white slip dress styled gown with a plunging neckline. She took statement dangling earrings and styled her her hair in a sleek straight center parting. She also accessorised her hair with an embellished hair accessory. She looked beautiful, but her dress didn’t go well with the event. Along with her dress, DP’s makeup was too eye-catching. And if you too want to look like her, L’Oréal Paris make-up experts have decoded it for you.
The complexion: For Deepika, less is more when it comes to nailing that perfect skin tone. Start by giving a light layer of foundation, using a soft make-up brush to apply the formula as evenly and thinly as possible, dabbing it into the skin in quick, even strokes.
ALSO READ: Loved Priyanka Chopra’s look at Met Gala 2017? Here’s how you can get it
Next up, add a touch of concealer under the eyes to cover any dark circles as well as around the forehead and the chin area. To contour, the make-up artist defines Deepika’s jaw line, cheek bones and temples with touches of powder a couple of shades darker than Deepika’s natural tone.
The eyes: For the eyes, first start by giving your lids a light dusting of nude eyeshadow. Then highlight it further using a metallic silver eyeshadow to create a silvery smokey eye look. To accentuate further use a black eyeliner to give your eyes a gorgeous subtle cat eye effect.
The lips: Finally, give a soft touch of mauve lip colour to balance your overall look without overdoing it. A final dusting of face powder to set your look in place.
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