Our skin reveals a lot about our health and hygiene and there is no perfect getaway than Ayurveda to maintain these standards. While offering the benefits of both synergy and balance, this science has used plenty of herbs to benefit humans and their skin. Moreover, all its products and suggestions come with no side effects.
But before adopting them, you need to know the importance of Ayurveda works in terms of skin care.
According to Ayurveda, three fundamental principles or doshas—vata, pitta and kapha govern the human body and dry skin is usually caused because of the accumulation of vata.
Thus, the secret to a younger and glowing skin is to keep vata at bay. To assist you better, here are some tips.
Balanced diet
Improve your diet: Including organic milk, whole grains and green vegetables in your diet provides additional nutrients to the body. While preventing skin from diseases like eczema, they nourish our skin by balancing vata, pitta, and kapha.
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Drink lukewarm water: While flushing the unwanted toxins out, lukewarm water cleanses and purifies our body and also maintains a good hydration level.
Fitness (Photo: Dreams Time)
Stretch out: Performing some basic Yoga asanas can prevent cold vata from mounting up. Moreover, exercising improves blood circulation which, in turn, helps digestion and gives your skin a natural glow.
Breath in-Breath out: Breathing exercises work as a stress buster and maintain the glow of skin by balancing all doshas. According to Ayurveda, high level of stress can suck out vital juices from your skin, leaving it dry and dull. Thus, the easiest way to get back that glow is to meditate and perform Pranayam.
Take a sound sleep: Sleep is the time to reset the mind and rejuvenate the body. It acts as a protective mechanism against inadequate rest. According to Ayurveda, a good 8-hour sleep is a must if you want to achieve a glowing and clear complexion.
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