The makeup and beauty industry has evolved a lot in past few years. From the introduction of new products to the use of new makeup terms, there is a lot to learn each day if you are a beauty and makeup enthusiast. In fact, there are many things and processes of makeup that we also know how to do, but we are not aware of what they are called. And when we see all these beauty bloggers using a specific term for a process you already know, the first thing you do is Google it. So, to help you understand it better, we have curated a list of some words that are used in our day to day lives but we hardly know what they mean. Have a look:
When small quantities of your makeup products are left and instead of throwing you collect them all in a single pallet which is handy to use, that process is called as de-poting.
It is done to brighten/open up the eyes when you do not want to go overboard with your eye makeup. Gently filling the inner rim of your lashes with eyeliner is called tightline.
To enhance the shape of eyes and to add more depth to the look, the crease above the eyelid is filled with a different contrasting colour, which gives a very sharp look and is called cut-crease.
Applying loose powder to the T-zones or on your whole face for some time, after applying the base. It not only makes your makeup last longer and avoid creases but also brightens your face.
Applying foundation in a dotted motion is known as stippling. It is used to give your base a flawless air-brush like finish and it can be done with the help of a stippling brush.
The term multimasking is used when you apply different types of face masks for different concerns, but all the same time.
It is very similar to highlighting but is a little brighter and is focused on areas like cheekbones, bridge of the nose and brow bone to get a natural shine effect. It also gives the illusion of a healthy skin.
We all use lip-liners and to make our lips look fuller when we apply a lipstick and the process of lining your lips is known as overline.
Last, but not the least, this word is the most used in the beauty industry these days. And just in case you are new to this term, let us tell you that contouring is done to sculpt your face and give it a more defined and sharp look.
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