It’s been a decade since thin eyebrows and layered-highlights were in style! That’s the thing about fads- they come and go. If you look in your closet, you will realize that you have loads of clothes that you don’t even wear anymore. When you look at a picture of yourself from 2007 you’ll probably laugh at the way you did your makeup and hair, because it was cool back then! While we can never decipher who really decides what outfits, accessories and makeup looks are “cool” enough for kids to wear today, we know that the world of fashion is dynamic- nothing stays forever (unless it makes a comeback, like chokers!).
Here’s a list of styles that have drastically changed in the last 10 years. Check them out:
2007- Before 2009, people would just go overboard with white powder and blush for some reason.
2017- Blush? What’s that? A dewy glow with contour is what we’re loving in 2017!
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2007- Thin, are-they-even-there eyebrows were the norm in 2007. And horrible eye-shadow too.
2017- Fuller, thicker, angled brows with concealer for a clean finish is the norm in 2017!
2007- Thin, glossy and glittery lips were cool thanks to girl bands!
2017- Full matte lips smothered with liquid lipsticks and lip liners are the hottest trend right now.
2007- Everyone was obsessed with dark lipliners and light lipsticks. Cringe much?
2017- Colour-coordinated lipliners to overline the lips are the norm now!
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2007- Blue, green and white colours were used to highlight the waterline.
2017- Cat eyes, anyone?
2007- Bright popping monochromatic eyeshadow was the hottest trend then.
2017- Warm brown tones combined with bright inner-corners is what everyone’s loving!
2007- Shiny, glittery colours were used to make the eyes pop.
2017- We’ve moved to warmer tones with the inner corners being highlighted.
(Image Source: Instagram)
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