Phobia or fear can leave the best of us incapacitated. You must have encountered people who are extremely uncomfortable amongst groups of people or there are those whose anxiety level spikes if they hear loud music. These reactions are an indication of the phobias one may suffer from. To learn about different types of phobias continue reading with us.
1. Anthrophobia – Fear of people or society
Anthrophobia – Fear of people or society
There are people who cannot tolerate being around too many people at once. Even in the presence of a small crowd, they get panic attacks.
2.Coulrophobia – Fear of clowns
Coulrophobia – Fear of clowns
A joker can scare a good number of people than making them laugh. Some of you may not believe that but many find the big red smile on the white face traumatizing. This is mainly caused by the evil portrayal of clowns by media.
3. Pediophobia – Fear of dolls
Pediophobia – Fear of dolls
Most of us know someone who is majorly creeped out by the dolls. It may be an inanimate object but the fear they inspire make a person screaming and leave them in tears. While some people are afraid of all humanoid dolls and mannequins, the others are afraid of specific dolls like walking, talking or china dolls.
4. Lalophobia – Fear of speaking
Lalophobia – Fear of speaking
Yes, there are people who do not speak and shyness may not always be the cause. It is different from fear of public speaking. Speech therapy can help with this condition.
5. Apiphobia – Fear of bees
Apiphobia – Fear of bees
Approximately 10% of the world population has this phobia. People are usually apprehensive when they see a bee and it is completely normal to be afraid of being stung. However, Apiphobes have an anxiety attack even at the mention of bees. A previous negative experience can be the trigger for Apiphobia.
6. Sciaphobia – Fear of shadows
Sciaphobia – Fear of shadows
There are people who are scared of their own shadows. The degree of fear may vary from person to person. It can arise from a combination of prior traumatic event and internal predisposition.
7. Ligyrophobia – Fear of loud noises
Ligyrophobia – Fear of loud noises
This too is a psychological fear. A sudden burst of sounds like a fire alarm or even an alarm clock can cause the person to panic. Sometimes a sudden sound can leave them paralyzed. The reaction is short-lived but leaves a person helpless in case the loud sound continues blaring.
8. Philematophobia – Fear of kissing
Philematophobia – Fear of kissing
It is an irrational fear which may not interfere with person’s day-to-day life but can adversely affect their personal and social relationships. The fear can arise a person’s fear of intimacy, fears of sexual relationship or fear of germs.
9. Ambulophobia – Fear of walking
Ambulophobia – Fear of walking
Yes, you read right. Walking may seem very normal to most of you but for ambulophobes, it is a struggle every time they stand. It is closely related to Basiphobia, fear of falling. In extreme cases, individuals even refuse to walk or move. It can be triggered if the person is immobilized due to accident, injury or disease.
10. Somniphobia – Fear of sleeping
Somniphobia – Fear of sleeping
It is true. The person concerned suffers from fear of unknown. They cannot excise control in sleep and this out of control feeling cause anxiety and fear of sleeping. Not to be confused with insomnia.
11. Anablephobia – Fear of looking up
Anablephobia – Fear of looking up
Many cannot look up at the sky, tall buildings, and structures. The vast open space makes them feel small, insignificant and vulnerable that is why the person concerned is afraid to look up.
12. Angrophobia – Fear of anger or getting angry
Angrophobia – Fear of anger or getting angry
People suffering from angrophobia get highly anxious if they experience anger. It is frightening for the person for they loses all control when they are angry. They become physically or verbally abusive which affect their relationships with others.
13. Aurophobia – Fear of gold
Aurophobia – Fear of gold
Gold is one of the most coveted metal but there are more number of people than you can guess who suffered from Aurophobia. If the individual is allergic to gold, it can trigger the phobia of gold.
14. Chromophobia – Fear of colours
Chromophobia – Fear of colours
Yes, it is a type of phobia. When you say fear of colours, it means that the individual may be averse to one or two certain colours. For example, fear of colour red is called Erythrophobia. For such individuals, regular life becomes difficult for the presence of certain colour can cause them to panic.
15. Philophobia – Fear of falling in love
Philophobia – Fear of falling in love
It is one of the most common but unrecognised fears. It stems from cultural and religious upbringing of the person, where a they ares taught to believe in arrange marriage and is afraid to fall in love. This phobia is more common in females than in males.
16. Chiroptophobia – Fear of being touched
Chiroptophobia – Fear of being touched
Due to this phobia, an individual cannot bear to be touched. Even routine hand-shaking can be panic inducing. This extreme aversion to touch can arise from either prior abuse or germophobia/mysophobia.
17. Astraphobia – Fear of thunder or lightening
Astraphobia – Fear of thunder or lightening
Astrophobia is more common in children than in adults. Though the fear abates with age, some adults still suffer from it because of a traumatic event associated with bad weather. The phobia can also be triggered if the sufferer has experienced an electric shock.
18. Anthophobia – Fear of flowers
Anthophobia – Fear of flowers
Must be hard to believe that there are individuals who are afraid of flowers. Anthophobes are scared of flowers or specific flower and not trees or plant, though they still prefer to be away from nature. This can be caused by incidents like bee or wasp sting or flower allergy.
19. Cathisphobia – Fear of sitting
Cathisphobia – Fear of sitting
Believe it or not, many suffer from it. While sitting individuals concerned experience a feeling of being trapped and hence, causes anxiety. Various health problems and disorders can make sitting uncomfortable and thus, give rise to this phobia.
20. Didaskaleinophobia – Fear of schools
Didaskaleinophobia – Fear of schools
Around 2 to 5 % of school going children are didaskaleinophobic. Children who play truant or skip school usually do it because of boredom or anger. Stress of studies and exams also adds to this fear of schools.
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