Dytto was recently in India to participate in Star Plus’s Dance Plus 3. She burned the dance floor with her sizzling performance on the song Tip Tip Barsa Paani. For those who don’t know who Dytto is, let us enlighten you. Dytto is a 19-year old sensation and she specialises in a dance form known as tutting. She has a cult following among dance enthusiasts. On the show, her astounding performance left everyone surprised and it was different from anything they had ever seen. She was a vision to behold while she moved effortlessly in a robotic rhythm.
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Dytto seemed quite happy about visiting India and even posted a video about it on her blog. A channel called YouTube Got Talent posted a video of Dytto’s dance performance in India. Anyway, after her appearance on the show, her video went viral on all the social media platforms. But things got ugly when people started a troll-war in the comments section. What should have been just about her talent or performance turned into World War 3 on the web? There were all kinds of toxic comments- racist comments, interracial insults, shaming racists and what not. The comments section is filled with so many hate comments that it is difficult to pinpoint the actual trigger. And let us tell you- it spared no one.
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So apparently everyone who visits India gets raped. Most of the anti-India comments were from her white fans who were extremely worried about her safety in India and the treatment that she received here. And there was a good amount of research by people who didn’t have better thing to waste their time on.What appeared to be just a scripted performance by the show’s host, Raghav who kept hitting on Dytto with no perverted intention was taken extremely seriously by the haters who called him a creep. Judges were insulted for not being able to match up to Dytto’s performance.
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Then there were comments about Dytto being a clown by people who clearly are too stupid to realize the concept of different dance forms. Some of them even wanted her to perform Bharatnatyam or Kathak because she was in India. That is wrong on so many levels that we don’t even know where to start. And then there were Pakistanis trolling Indians, Indians trolling Nepalis, Indians defending themselves, whites trolling blacks, blacks trolling whites, whites defending black, American Indians trolling Americans and so on and so forth. Check out the never-ending racist row that started and is still on.
The people trying to promote peace were mostly ignored. Is this what the world has come to? Aren’t we, in the 21st century, supposed to be above this kind of nonsense? The filthy rape comments and jingoistic comments are totally irrelevant here. It was a dance performance by an artist who enjoys her work. Watch her performance and appreciate her – or don’t, (better even watch Kathak if you please to) but keep it limited to that. Spare us of so much negativity and hatred.
Check out the video here:
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