Remember how silly you used to be five years ago but back then you thought you were sensible? Pretty much the same way, we followed some fashion trends to be at the top of style game but now we know that those were some horrible trends. When it comes to fashion, sometimes, even the best people don’t seem to get it right. However, there are some styles that were once trending but when we look back now they seem outright bizarre. As humans, we are bound to make mistakes but some mistakes should never be repeated. Here are 14 such trends that are now gone for good and we hope they never come back in style.
1.Thin eyebrows
Remember when we went to the parlour and came out thread-thin eyebrows? It’s scary to even think that we would call this eyebrows-on-fleek.
Thin eyebrows
ALSO READ: No makeup look and other idiotic beauty trends that need to die ASAP!
2. Hair scrunchies
We loved owning them in every colour but not anymore. Hair scrunchies look funny. No?
3. Oversized sunglasses
They barely left any part of the face exposed and it was difficult to say why this was so in trend.
Oversized Sunglasses
4. Streaky highlights
Okay, one word. Tacky. These highlights did nothing to accentuate the look except make people look like they haven’t taken a shower in days.
5. Big buckled belts
They never served the purpose of what a belt was meant to do and only made us look bulkier.
Big buckle belts
6. Super low-rise denim
We are glad the denim doesn’t go that low anymore, aren’t we?
Low rise denim
7. Layered tops
We did use two outfits on the same day. Why even?
Layering tops
8. Bedazzled denims
We don’t hate jewellery but when its jewellery on denim, we beg to differ.
Bedazzled denims
ALSO READ: These 11 most expensive jeans in the world will make you believe in the power of denim
9.Red leather pants
Red pants should only be left for the clown’s act, no?
Red leather pants
10. Bangles stacked up in one hand
If you are still doing this, you need to stop. Now!
Bangles stacked up in one hand
11. Unnecessary Scarves
Pairing every outfit with a scarf is not creativity. Leave that scarf for when you actually need it.
Scarves with every outfit
12. Zig Zag Hairband
Gone is the time when it used to make you look cool. It doesn’t any longer.
Zig-zag hairbands
13. (Almost dripping) Hairgel
Can’t be happier that this isn’t allowed anymore. At least by people who know fashion.
Hair gel
ALSO READ: This roll of duct tape is too expensive to be the hottest new menswear trend
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