Kareena Kapoor Khan recently attended the book launch event of her close friend and dietician Rutuja Diwekar and looked beautiful from soup to nuts. Wearing a full-sleeves Missoni top and a matching ankle-length skirt from House of Pixel, the actress completed her look with a neatly tied ponytail and teamed the attire with a pair of long tassel earrings. After Kareena’s pictures and videos from the book launch went viral on the social media, her earrings became the talk of the town. Not only because they are beautiful, but the same pair was worn by Deepika Padukone last year at the MTV EMAs in a different colour.
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Soon people started pitting both the actresses together on the social media, asking ‘Who wore it better?’ and frankly speaking, we think both Kareena and Deepika look stunning in these beautiful tassel earrings.
And after doing much research, we came to know that not just these two, but Bollywood beauties Malaika Arora, Neha Dhupia and Pakistani actress Mawra Hocane were also spotted wearing the same tassel earrings.
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What is so special about these earrings?
Made in India with semi-precious stones, the brass top of the earrings is plated with 18k gold. These beauties are handmade which makes every single piece different and unique. You can also choose from a wide variety of silk tassel colours according to your specifications.
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How much are these earrings for?
Well, these semi-precious beauties cost approx Rs. 5,515 and are from Valliyan.
It won’t be wrong to say that just one look at these stunning earrings and you won’t be able to take your eyes off them. They are classy, elegant and have a cool vibe to them. These tassel earrings can completely transform your look and in case you are saving money to gift yourself something really good, then what better than these earrings!
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