Priyanka Chopra recently shot for ABC’s talent show The Gong Show as a guest judge and the pretty lady bowled us away with her stunning appearance. While the pictures of PeeCee from the show are going viral on the social media now, she shot for it 2 months back in May and also shared a selfie on her Instagram account. Wearing a beautiful red dress from Ulyana Sergeenko, Priyanka looks super sexy in this attire and we are just unable to take our eyes off her, The beautifully designed plunging neckline of the dress is what makes it look classy yet stylish. With her hair tied neatly in a high ponytail, Priyanka kept her look very sassy, with minimal accessories and a bold red lip colour. Have a look:
ALSO READ: Priyanka Chopra shows us how to flaunt the flower power this monsoon and we are loving it!
But, it is not the first time that we have seen this red dress on a Bollywood actress. Yes, you read that right! ‘Queen’ Kangana Ranaut also wore the same Ulyana Sergeenko number last year to attend the Reebok Fit To Fight awards in New Delhi. And it won’t be wrong to say that the actress looked smoking hot in this designer outfit. Just like Priyanka, Kangana also went for a red lip colour but her’s was more on a lighter side. Also, while Kangana went for an all red look, including her footwear, PeeCee chose beige colour footwear which complimented the dress very well.
ALSO READ: Kangana Ranaut repeats her leather jacket after 2 years because it is too COSTLY to throw away
Well, this is not the first time that our Bollywood beauties wore same dress accidentally and with Priyanka, this coincidence has happened more than 2-3 times. Don’t believe us? Read: Copycat or coincidence? 15 instances when Bollywood celebs wore same outfits
Franking speaking, it would be wrong to compare Priyanka and Kangana, as both the ladies totally nailed the red dress and we just can’t decide who looks better.
ALSO READ: Priyanka Chopra just received a gift worth Rs 13 lakh and it is a complete waste of money!
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