Athiya Shetty, who is all set to enthrall the audience with her upcoming film Mubarakan, recently grabbed limelight when she featured on the cover of a popular fashion magazine’s July 2017 issue with none other than her co-star Arjun Kapoor. The duo looks stunning as they posed together for the latest edition. While Arjun looks super hot in his black tuxedo, we were not able to take our eyes off Athiya. Sitting on Arjun Kapoor’s lap in a vintage sparkly red dress, the actress made our eyes pop out with her sass. In fact, it won’t be wrong to say that Athiya Shetty is one of those Bollywood actresses who never fail to disappoint us with her unique and classy fashion choices. Recently, she made all heads turn with her stunning appearance in a blue summary gown from Bibhu Mohapatra at the Femina Women Awards 2017.
Wearing a red shimmery dress ensemble from Rodarte’s Spring 2017 collection, Athiya looks every inch like a classy vintage doll. A wide neck sequin embellished puff shoulder ruched blouse and matching sequin and lace tiered skirt made the actress look outstanding. With her hair left open, Athiya kept her look very natural with light makeup and minimal accessories.
But there is a catch! The dress Athiya wore for the cover shoot of the magazine was also donned by Hollywood beauty Elle Fanning at the Harper Bazaar’s event in January this year. Yes, you read that right. Elle carried the Rodarte dress with utmost style and confidence. She completed the look with shimmery Christian Louboutin pumps and posed for the cameras with a big bright smile on her face.
Well, now that you have seen both Athiya Shetty and Elle Fanning in the same dress, who do you think looks the best in this sparkly red Rodarte ensemble?
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