It’s day 2 for Aishwarya Rai Bachchan at the Cannes Film Festival. After slaying the red carpet with her fairytale dress, Aishwarya Rai is back with another elegant look. Donning a beautiful black gown from Aashi Studio, she looks elegant. She has been styled by Aastha Sharma, while makeup is by Charlotte Willer. It won’t be wrong to say that Aishwarya is always up for experiments. She has used deep blue-lined eyes and bright coral lips to complete her look this time. Check out her pictures here:
Remember, when she wore lavender-blue lipstick during Sarbjit premiere at Cannes film festival last year? Though it did not go well with her fans, at least she gets extra points for experimenting.
Aishwarya Rai Bachchan made her first Cannes red carpet appearance on Friday night. Wearing a blue-hued Micheal Cinco gown, she looked like a princess. This was her third dress of the day and she simply rocked it. She looked nothing less than a goddess in her off-shoulder dress, made of French lace. The dress is embroidered and embellished with Swarovski crystals.
Also, she wore an embroidered Mark Bumgarner gown and a layered outfit by Yanina Couture earlier in the day. The dress was another Disney inspired dress. This lacy number with a full skirt from Filipino fashion designer Mark Bumgarner’s collection was simple yet elegant.
Well, she started the day in her sheer green, multi-layered dress with big bright flower motif. Here are the pictures:
This will be 16th year of her in Cannes. After making a few blunders, she has finally become a pro at red carpet looks. Aishwarya along with daughter Aaradhya flew to Cannes on Thursday and looked as classy as ever.
Well, after looking at all her outfits, we are sure she will stun everybody tonight once again.
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