While Aishwarya Rai Bachchan and Deepika Padukone made quite a statement on the red carpet, Shruti Haasan disappointed one and all with her outfits. She wore three outfits back to back and none of them were perfect for Cannes. Either she was over dressed or under dressed. On day 1, Shruti Hassan wore a ruffled black Avaro Figlio gown and kept a messy hairdo. The light makeup and smoky eyes didn’t go well with this weird dress. Unfortunately, Shruti failed to impress fashion police.
Later, she was spotted in a summary Indo-western white attire. She wore the dress for media interactions. Undoubtedly, the floral print drape was beautiful and would look perfect anywhere, but Cannes. Here she was underdressed for the event. She teamed up the dress with Mahesh Notandas’ gorgeous earrings.
ALSO READ:Cannes 2017: Shruti Haasan’s Indo-western look on day 2 is another disappointment – See Photos
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Even the third outfit disappointed us big time. Her latest attire is nothing less than a blunder. She stepped out in a black saree, with a floral gold blouse. The highlight of the outfit was massive sunflowers on her blouse. Seriously? Shruti, what were you thinking.
This is the first time when Shruti Haasan has attended Cannes International Film Festival 2017. She is at the event to promote her upcoming trilingual historic drama film Sangamithra. Apart from Shruti Haasan, writer Nandita Das, actress Mallika Sherawat and Amy Jackson are also attending the Cannes Film Festival. While Mallika Sherawat and Amy Jackson slayed with their outfits, Nandita Das wore a saree which was little off to wear at Cannes.
It’s day 5 at Cannes and tonight Sonam Kapoor will be seen slaying at the French Riviera. It will really be exciting to see what is she going to wear on the red carpet tonight.
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