Deepika Padukone and Priyanka Chopra have been under constant scrutiny and in unsaid competition since their debut in Hollywood. While Priyanka headed the race when it comes to her guest appearances and television serial, Deepika Padukone gave Priyanka a run for her money by leading the race with her Hollywood film xXx – The Return of Xander Cage. Interestingly, New York Fashion Week brought out the fashion war between the two leading ladies in the forefront.
It seems, Deepika likes keeping her cards close to the chest unlike Priyanka who lay all her cards on the table. The same thing has happened once again, this time in NYFW. While Priyanka Chopra flaunted her asymmetric hem skirt with a fur jacket and black coloured boot, Deepika gave a tough competition to Priyanka with her navy trench dress which she paired it with a white coloured shirt. She wore heels as well to raise the temperature with her looks.
The best part is that both the actresses sat in the front row at NYFW. While Priyanka was spotted attending the event for ace designer Parabal Gurung, Deepika on the other hand, graced the event for the Michael Kors show.
Clearly, we can see who won the battle this time! Sorry Priyanka but Deepika stole the thunder with her amazing fashion sense. She has raised the oomph factor. Priyanka couldn’t charm us the way Deepika has done this time.
Sorry Priyanka! Better luck next time!
Also watch: Fan War: Deepika or Priyanka? Who ruled the hearts in 2016?
We all know how Golden Globe Awards was a complete showdown between Deepika and PeeCe. While Priyanka garnered all the limelight for her impeccable fashion sense at the red carpet, fans of Deepika could not say much. Reports started doing the round that the Mastani of Bollywood was not even invited. However, Deepika shut the rumours by putting up pictures on the social media account from the after party of the event. Here are some more pictures from the New York Fashion Week event:
However, Deepika shut the rumours by putting up pictures on the social media account from the after party of the event. Here are some more pictures from the New York Fashion Week event:
@deepikapadukone for @michealkorss makeup @hungvanngo hair @renatocampora #NYFW2017
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