Deepika Padukone completely slayed the Cannes 2017 red carpet with her stunning appearances and made us all go wow with her amazing fashion choices. In her two-day visit to the French Riviera, the actress donned six different looks and flaunted each one of them with utmost style and confidence. From her outfit and footwear to her jewellery, Deepika wore the creations of various hi-end and popular designers. So, here we bring you a breakdown of her entire ensemble that costs more than you can ever imagine.
This red Saint Sarah ruffled georgette dress of Deepika is from Johanna Ortiz’s Fall 2017 collection and is priced at approx Rs 1,83,854. Its ruffle detailing with mermaid silhouette only makes the actress look more glamorous.
For her second look, Deepika wore a silk sash neck cocktail dress from Galvan London which costs approx Rs 90,000. The actress completed the look with Messika yellow gold My Twin Trio earrings which cost a whopping Rs 2, 20,208 approx.
For her first red carpet appearance, Deepika Padukone went for a dark wine one shoulder drapped tulle gown from Marchesa, which costs a whopping Rs 5,16,717. Yes, you read that right!
For her first look on day 2 at Cannes, Deepika went for a yellow body hugging dress with bell sleeves from Solace London. She completed the look with a pair of beautiful studded sandals from Christian Louboutin which are priced at approx Rs 83,586.
For an interview on day 2 at Cannes, Deepika Padukone wore a simple fuschia pink suede mini dress from Balenciaga, which costs approx Rs 25,509. She paired the dress with a funky bohemian look sandals from Christian Louboutin.
This forest colour one shoulder side slit gown of Deepika Padukone is designed by Brandon Maxwell and has been customized a little to make it look gaudy. The price of which is approx Rs 2,51,364. She paired it up with Chloe Gosselin’s ‘OPIA’ towering platform sandals that are made from plush emerald green velvet and costs approx Rs 46,788.
Well, now that you know how much it costs to get Deepika’s look, let us tell you that prices of few jewellery pieces and footwear could not be found, including which her entire ensemble will cost above Rs 40 lakhs!
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