Deepika Padukone is undoubtedly one of the leading fashion divas of the Bollywood. The actress has rocked the international arena by making her presence felt at several red carpet events like Met Gala Awards and New York Fashion Week. The actress is set to give her fans a surprise by attending the 70th Cannes International Film Festival. After the likes of Aishwarya Rai and Sonam Kapoor, Deepika Padukone is set to showcase her elegance at one of the most prestigious global events of the year. The actress was recently spotted at the airport leaving for the festival. The dress which she wore definitely caught the attention of the fashion police.
The actress was spotted at the airport wearing Alberta Ferretti maxi from the Spring 2016 collection. She paired it with a leather jacket and black-coloured boots. The multicoloured maxi left everyone speechless. Here are pictures straight from the airport:
If this is the preview right before the Cannes International film Festival, we are definitely waiting for Deepika’s fashion diva avatar at the event which is definitely going to be high on fashion quotient.
Here are a couple of photos from her recent photoshoot which the actress did for the L’Oréal Paris brand. The actress looks drop dead gorgeous. Check out the pictures below:
Deepika Padukone for @LOrealParisIn Cannes Collection ___
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Cannes Film Festival will start on May 17 and end on May 28. Speaking about her work life, Deepika is busy shooting for Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s upcoming film Padmavati which is one of the most anticipated movies of the year. The movie also stars Shahid Kapoor and Ranveer Singh in important roles.
Although this will be Deepika’s third film with Ranveer and the director, it will be the first time that the actress will be seen opposite Shahid Kapoor. The movie has already been surrounded by controversies due to its plot. Sanjay Leela Bhansali and the team have been at the receiving end and the sets have been stalled quite a many times.
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