Deepika Padukone, who was recently trolled for her Maxim and Vanity Fair covershoots, has now again in news for her another photoshoot. This time the actress shot for the latest issue of a popular fashion magazine and looks smoking hot. With her hair left open, Deepika wore an all black attire. The actress paired a Nike bralette with a mesh top from Urban Outfitters and wore sexy sequinned shorts from The Source Bandra. She layered it all with a big tassel belt and a red leather jacket from Dior. It won’t be wrong to say that Deepika Padukone is looking stunning beyond words and you won’t be able to take your eyes off her. Have a look:
But one thing that caught our attention is her Christian Louboutin sandals, which Deepika also wore when she attended the Cannes 2017. Yes, you read that right. For her first look on day 2 of the Cannes Film Festival, the actress wore these sandals with a yellow body hugging dress, but in a different colour.
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We know that these sandals are too costly to wear just once but dear Deepika, you could have repeated them on some other occasion. Wearing the same footwear again that too in a gap of just 2 months is not that cool and that too for a photoshoot. It looks like your stylist didn’t do much research before finalising the look or is it like you were asked to bring those shoes from home.
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However, thanks to God, her second look for the covershoot is completely different. Wearing big hoops which say ‘Girl Boss’ from H&M, Deepika wore a lacy bralette from Marks & Spencer which she layered with a crop top from Bershka. She completed the look with a super sexy customised track pants from Deme By Gabriella and looks every inch gorgeous.
ALSO READ: Deepika Padukone, Priyanka Chopra wear stripes like never before. One impresses, other fails
On the work front, the actress will next be seen in Sanjay Leela Bhansali’s magnum opus Padmavati, which will hit the theaters in December this year.
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