Disha Patani, who made her Bollywood debut with MS Dhoni: The Untold Story, is making headlines for quite some time now and for all the right reasons. The actress enjoys a huge fan following and apart from her amazing on-screen performance, she is known for her killer dance moves and a perfectly toned body frame. Recently, Disha Patani did a photoshoot for the July 2017 issue of a popular fashion magazine and her pictures have set the internet on fire. From posing in thigh-high slit dresses to rocking the body-hugging latex attires, the actress has completely redefined the term sexy. Here’s a look at some of her photos from the shoot and we bet you would not be able to take your eyes off her!
Look 1
Wearing a shiny yellow satin ruffled dress from Temperley London, Disha Patani is looking smoking hot. She has paired the deep neck dress with lacy lingerie from Mimi Holliday to accentuate her look even more. The actress paired the outfit with earrings by Louis Vuitton and shoes by Gucci.
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Look 2
Disha has taken hotness to another level in this blue body hugging latex dress from Atsuko Kudo. Keeping her look very neutral with minimal accessories, she made her look stand out with bold red lips.
ALSO READ: Disha Patani dances like no one is watching! Can you match her cool moves? [Watch video]
Look 3
Dressed in a white thigh-high slit maxi dress from Philipp Plein, Disha looks absolutely stunning. The actress kept her hair open and enhanced the look with her metallic eyes and bright red lips. She paired the outfit with earrings from Louis Vuitton and shoes by Jimmy Choo.
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Look 4
Disha flaunts her curves beautifully in this plunging neckline black leather thigh-high slit dress from Emanuel Ungaro. With minimal makeup and accessories, the actress completed her look with classic black Christian Louboutin shoes and wore earrings by Christian Dior.
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