Divyanka Tripathi, one of the top actresses of Indian television, recently took home the trophy for Favourite Mom. Her role as Ishi Ma on Yeh Hai Mohabbatein has always been appreciated. And at the recently held Star Parivaar awards 2017, Divyanka Tripathi was seen in all-new avatar and we must say, she slayed it. She walked on the Red Carpet in a one-shoulder black gown and looked gorgeous.
She stunned everybody in a flowing black gown. Designed by Parinee’s Designing studio, Divyanka chose no jewellery look with her dress. She tied her hair up in a bun. Accompanied by her husband, Vivek Dahiya, the couple rocked the evening. The duo rocked the red carpet in the black and was looking perfect with each other. Check out the look here:
Divyanka Tripathi and Vivek Dhaiya are part of Nach Baliye 8 where they are showing their unmatchable dancing skills. Last week, while performing for the theme of ‘Film Wala Love,’ she danced like Helen on the evergreen song ‘Monica O My Darling’, while Vivek played Shammi Kapoor. The actress looked beautiful in the red dress and this is the first we have seen her in something like this. However, something went wrong and Ishita breaks down on the sets. We hope she gets fine by the next episode. But for now, we gushing over her dress.
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