Alia Bhatt is the perfect fashion diva choice for the youngsters these days. Those who are in colleges or schools look up to the Badrinath Ki Dulhania actress for styling tips. Recently, Alia Bhatt has showcased another interesting side of the millennials in the latest cover shot of a leading magazine. Alia Bhatt who has done several photoshoots in the past will be seen in a fresh avatar for the April issue of the magazine. The popular magazine took to their Twitter account to share the cover shot of the super talented actress.
The exquisite powerhouse and effortless Alia Bhatt has set new benchmarks in the world of Bollywood and fashion. Be it the chic flick look or the casual look, Alia has flawlessly portrayed the Gen X of the nation with an attitude and panache. The actress has been a part of the 9th anniversary cover of the popular magazine.
Dressed in a vibrant red dress, the actress is posing seductively for the camera by flaunting her back. This is not the first time that the actress has surprised us with her neat and classy fashion sense. In the past also she has graced several magazine covers and her dressing sense looked breezy and fresh during her film promotions. Here is her latest cover shot for the magazine that will give you new fashion goals. Call it a teaser or just a seductive cover shot, the actress has caught our attention with her intriguing photoshoot for the magazine.
— Grazia India (@GraziaIndia) March 30, 2017
On the professional front, Alia will be seen next alongside Ranbir Kapoor in Ayan Mukerji’s superhero flick Dragon. It is being said that the movie will be a franchise. Here is what Alia Bhatt wore during the promotions of her film Badrinath Ki Dulhania.
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