In love with Chanel, Gucci handbags? Here’s your guide to spot the fake ones before investing your money

Love designer bags, but don't know how to find the original one? Here's your guide to spot a fake handbag which will help you save a lot of money

Chanel, Prada, Louis Vuitton and Gucci are some of the hi-end designer brands we always wish to have. Unfortunately, these are way beyond our reach because obviously the cost (Predictable. Right?). While most of us still don’t know how to spell these brands correctly, there are also people who own not one but many such handbags and flaunt them like prince and princesses, which clearly make others jealous. But have you ever gave it a thought that these could be fake or as they proudly call it ‘the first copy’. Imagine, what if you can immediately tell that a particular product is a cheap version of the original one? Well, we all know that the market is filled with such fake products and you can also fall a victim to it. Now think of spending your hard-earned money on a first or second copy without realising it! So, to save you from it, here are some tips and tricks to spot a fake brand the next time you decide to spend your money on:


Chanel bag
(Photo: chanel.com)

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Louis Vuitton bag
(Photo: louisvuitton.com)

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Gucci bag
(Photo: gucci.com)

ALSO READ: Rani Mukerji’s bag is way costlier than her attire and it proves style matters, not money


Prada bag
(Photo: prada.com)

ALSO READ: Kareena Kapoor’s favourite clutch is just for Rs 18000. Can you guess which actress owns the costliest one?


Michael Kors bag
(Photo: michaelkors.com)

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