Recently, we saw Sonam Kapoor in a beautiful golden and off-white Hemang Agrawal saree that she wore at a reality show for the promotion of her upcoming film PadMan. While the actress looked gorgeous, it was her dupatta style saree draping skills that made us go gaga over.
And, after Sonam’s dupatta style being the first saree fashion trend this year, it’s Priyanka Chopra, who floored everyone with her ‘skirt-jeans’. Priyanka, who is busy shooting for Quantico in New York, took some time off shooting and went for lunch with her co-actors. And boy, what an entry! Trust us, only PeeCee can look this fashionable even on casual lunch outings.
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The actress wore a black leather jacket from Alexander McQueen and bright red croc-effect leather ankle-length boots from Rag & Bone. But it was her unique and quirky denim style that caught our attention. Priyanka Chopra donned a shredded hem layered denim from R13, which looked like a ‘skirt-jeans’.
While we have seen people layering their short denim skirts with skinny jeans in past few years, this is for the first time that we saw a celeb wearing the combo.
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With pictures of PeeCee wearing this skirt-jeans flooding the internet, we are pretty sure that this style is going to top the fashion trends charts this year and we are totally in love with it.
PS: In case, you want to buy the same designer denim as hers, then get ready to shell approx Rs 44,000 and be a style diva like her.
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