Deepika Padukone recently hosted a bash to celebrate the success of the trailer of her upcoming film Padmavati. The event was star-studded and was attended by Sonakshi Sinha, Karan Johar, Manish Malhotra, Ranveer Singh and Sara Ali Khan to name a few. While social media is flooded with numerous pictures from the party, Sridevi’s daughter Jhanvi Kapoor managed to steal the limelight and became the star of the evening. With everyone dressed in their casual best, Jhanvi’s blingy sequin jumpsuit caught our attention and it won’t be wrong to say that the outfit strikes out at first sight. Have a look:
ALSO READ: Jhanvi Kapoor’s red track pants cost way more than a trip to Dubai!
Yes, we know that all you fashionistas would love to make this Temperley London outfit a part of your wardrobes, but its cost will make you think twice before putting it in your cart. So, this eye-catching plunging neckline attire is priced at $1,895 (Rs 1,22,557) which is a lot to spend on a single piece of cloth. Right?
ALSO READ: Sara Ali Khan or Jhanvi Kapoor: Who nailed the desi avatar at Mukesh Ambani’s party?
But Hey! If not the original one, you can always go for dupes and become the star of any party. And to make the struggle of finding a similar dress easy for you, here are some of the options:
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