Kareena Kapoor Khan is back from her Swiss vacation with Saif Ali Khan and son Taimur to celebrate hubby’s birthday. Saif, who turns a year older today, threw a party at his residence last night, which was attended by his close ones and family. Present at the party were Karisma Kapoor, Saif’s children Sara and Ibrahim, Soha Ali Khan and Kareena, to name a few. While Soha was glowing in a beautiful blue gown showing off her baby bump. Sara Ali Khan, made all heads turn with her style game. The starlet wore a white off-shoulder top with white shorts and paired the outfit with thigh-high denim boots, which added that much-needed oomph to her entire look.
Talking about Bebo, the fashionista of Bollywood wore an all black attire and what made her stand out is her nude lip shade, which is not approved by many of her fans. But we must say that Kareena surely knows how to slay each look of her with utmost sass.
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Well, enough about Kareena’s look, let’s pay a little attention to her sexy black lacy top. The actress wore a high-neck frill details top from Self Portrait and looks every inch hot in this all-black avatar. While we are totally in love with this sexy lacy top, its cost is something that brought surprised us the most.
This beautiful yet elegant top from Self Portrait costs approx Rs 16,500. Though it is way too much for a top, it must have been a not-so-expensive purchase for Kareena. We are not saying that 16k is cheap or stars can’t wear clothes in this range, but this one top is definitely costly for us.
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Meanwhile, here’s a look at some of the other party pictures:
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