Kareena Kapoor recently celebrated her birthday with hubby Saif Ali Khan and a bunch of close friends, including names like Karisma Kapoor, Amrita Arora, Malaika Arora, Manish Malhotra and Karan Johar. But before hosting the party, Bebo went to her mother Babita’s house and guess who accompanied the actress, her little munchkin Taimur. And just like always, the mother-son pictures went viral on the internet, why, because Taimur! Daahhh. While Bebo’s little bundle of joy kept the paparazzi’s busy, what caught our attention was Kareena Kapoor’s black Balmain sweater and we are totally in love with it. Have a look:
With her hair tied in a messy bun, the actress paired her black crewneck sweater with a pair of matching comfy pants and looked beautiful even in her non-glam avatar.
But you will be surprised to know that this simple looking casual jacket costs approx Rs 25000 and we are shocked. Why? Because who pays 25k for a normal looking sweater!
While on one hand Kareena was spotted in a sweater, on the other hand Malaika Arora was seen wearing a Gucci tank top, which made us wonder, ‘What exactly is Mumbai’s temperature?’ Because Malaika is surely raising the hotness bar in this outfit.
And before we talk about the cost of this tank top, let us tell you that this is the same top that Navya Naveli Nanda wore for a magazine’s cover shoot.
Coming back to the price, this much revealing tank costs approx Rs 29,000 and now we find Kareena’s sweater a better deal.
Well, in case you are still clueless as to why Kareena wore a sweater in this hot weather, it might is because most of the time our celebs stay indoor with centralized air conditioning system and this is why we often spot them in sweaters or hoodies.
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