Salman Khan’s Tubelight has finally hit the theatres. While the audience is confused and celebs are super-excited watching Bhai-jaan’s film, the one thing that caught our attention was his sweater. Since the release of the teaser, we just couldn’t unsee his sweater and then we realised, how Salman Khan brings one fashion trend in his every movie. We already know he has an astonishing sense of style. Salman Khan, who is known for his perfect body with toned abs and beefy biceps, can pull off anything with much grace and attitude. Whether it was when he first went shirtless in Maine Pyaar Kiya or kept greasy, middle parted hair in Tere Naam or put sunglasses on the collar in Dabangg, he just nailed every look. With the release of his latest film, here we bring you best of Salman Khan’s style which you can definitely use for impressing your girl 😉
When he first went shirtless: Though it was Pyaar kiya toh darna kya in which Salman first flaunted his abs, he went shirtless in 1989 film Maine Pyaar Kiya. And since then, almost in every movie, showed his chiseled chest. And believe us, he set the trend!
Middle-parted hair: When he sported the greasy, long, middle-parted hair in Tere Naam, fan or no fan, everybody went bonkers over the look. During the release of the film, guys went crazy over the look and started keeping the look. This was not the first time when Salman went for something bizarre like this. There was a film Saawan — The Love Season (You might not have heard about it), he sported weird looking centre-parted long hair. And he was seen in almost similar avatar or more like in a rockstar look in Jaan-E-Mann. Check out here:
The trendy beard and mustache look: Salman was seen with a French beard in the movie Kick which gave him a classy look and later it became a trend then. In Sultan, he sported a mustache and looked as dashing as always.
Sunglasses on collar look: Since Dabangg, wearing sunglasses on collar soon became the trend. He rocked as Chulbul Pandey and impressed his fans big time.
Sweater in Tubelight: After Shah Rukh Khan in Main Hoon Na, this time it’s Salman who wore half-sweeter in a movie and looked dashing. We really hope this to become a trend soon.
Love for jackets: It is no hidden fact that Salman Khan loves jackets. Since Maine Pyaar Kiya, he has been seen sporting some really cool jackets. In Sultan, he paired his leather jacket with Salwar Kameez.
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