Nia Sharma, who is a known face in the television industry, became a household name with serial Jamai Raja. The actress also grabbed a lot of limelight with her digital debut Twisted and is currently a part of Khatron Ke Khiladi. A lot has been said and written about her amazing fashion choices and her Instagram is filled with so many pictures which prove how bold and perfect she is. Nia Sharma has been ranked the third sexiest Asian woman last year and we admire the actress for her fashion sense. She can definitely give a tough competition to her contemporaries and never fails to disappoint us with her stunning choices.
From donning beautiful Indian wear to rocking the bold and sexy swimwear, Nia Sharma can carry anything with utmost style and confidence. And when it comes to her swimwear collection, we have noticed that she always wears vibrant colours and sways us with her striking poses. We have seen Nia sporting some really cool and stylish swimsuits and her confidence to carry each one of them is something to be appreciated.And if you are one of those people, who Her confidence makes us think that we can also wear such swim suits and why not, this is the season to swim and get our summer body ready. We bring to you a couple of swim suits worn by Nia Sharma and you can always try the same look during your vacations.
ALSO READ: Nia Sharma looks perfect in every lipstick shade. These pictures are proof
Well, if you are one of those people, who are looking for some really amazing swimwear to flaunt their beach-ready body, then Nia Sharma is the right inspiration for you. Here’s a look at some of her sizzling hot avatars:
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