Alia Bhatt, a legit fashionista, never fails to tell us on how to ace the chic look. However, with her latest picture going viral, she has taught us on how to be confident enough to carry your bra strap with ease. So, this time the Dear Zindagi actress went glam way and made our jaws drop. Donning scarlet red gown by Christian Dior, Alia didn’t fail to impress one and all.
At the 7th GR8 Women Awards in Dubai, Alia came out with a really beautiful red strappy pleated dress. The floaty tulle and the soft sweetheart neckline of the dress were suiting her perfectly, while bold red lip shade and absolutely no accessories made her look gorgeous. Well, the high bun makes her look classy. Ya, Alia was looking all classy and beautiful, but what caught everybody’s attention was her BRA strap. Yes, the same strap which is usually avoided and has potential to create an awkward silence or make people uncomfortable. She was showing it. There was no struggle for the lady to hide it under the top or even go for some transparent one. Well, it was indeed a bold step. Isn’t it?
No. Not at all. When a man’s vest doesn’t create any issue, how does woman’s bra strap? It is as simple as anything else to understand. A woman has breast and they wear a bra to support it. Big deal? With Alia coming out with the idea of trendy bra strap, let’s accept the fact that woman wear a bra and it’s okay if a strap is seen. It is just like any other piece of cloth.
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That’s not all! Alia’s backless gown also showed back bra-support strap with Christian Dior written on it. Alia’s outfit is a hint towards the changes society is soon going to see.
Kudos Alia!
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