Deepika Padukone always makes headlines – be it for her films, her personal life or her clothes. While her recent outing in a colour-block outfit was swiped left by social media, the actress has always managed to turn heads. From statement gowns, to silhouette dresses, from pajamas to cut-out suits – Deepika has taken power dressing to a whole new level.
Standing tall at 5 feet 7 inches, Deepika’s is a towering presence on any given day. But combine her gorgeousness with chunky heels and a fitted suit and you have yourself a winner. From rocking blingy green and golden suits to making her presence felt with bold and bright colours, here’s a look at some of Deepika’s stunning pictures that prove power dressing is here to stay!
The actress wore this blingy green suit from Monisha Jaisingh at the MAMI closing ceremony this year and made all heads turn.
ALSO READ: After Kangana Ranaut, Deepika Padukone repeats an outfit and it’s not a big deal
Deepika wore this all black deep-neck fitted suit during the promotions of her Hollywood flick XXX and won many hearts.
This copper colour suit in velvet texture is a bold choice to make and Deepika completely rocked it.
While this royal blue silk pyjama suit by Chloe created a lot of controversies, Deepika looked stunning in it and posed fiercely for the cameras.
ALSO READ: Deepika Padukone loves red sarees and these photos will make you fall for 6-yard of sheer elegance
This bold and trendy red suit is all you need to define feminism and power in one single picture. Right?
A monochromatic choice, this suit from Ashish N Soni is simple and beautiful at the same time.
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