The Amazon India Fashion Week 2017 was a star-studded affair. From Alia Bhatt, Richa Chadha, Vaani Kapoor to Sakshi Tanwar and Dia Mirza, B-Town celebs looked all fabulous in the trendsetting dresses that they wore during the event for the ramp walk. Every year Amazon Fashion Week never ceases to surprise by bringing on new trends and clothing.
This year was no different keeping in mind that the fashion designers had a lot on their plate when it comes to introducing new trends and establishing them. The actresses caught our attention for her impeccable fashion sense. At the top of her fashion game was Alia Bhatt who ensured that she looks mindblowing. The actress was the showstopper of popular designer Namrata Joshipura for Maybelline New York show. The actress turned on some heads with her beautiful avatar. She wore a green-coloured jump suit. The texture of high cut on the bottom added that extra edginess to the overall look.
Another actress who grabbed the attention was Befikre actress Vaani Kapoor. She graced the ramp for designer Rina Dhaka. The actress wore a black coloured faux fur, floor-touching and body hugging dress. Apart from that, she wore a smokey eye makeup. The actress stated that she feels honourable to be a part of ace designer Rina Dhaka’s showstopper.
Apart from Alia and Vaani, Richa Chadha stole the thunder by becoming a showstopper of Rohit Karma. The actress looked gorgeous and lovely in black and grey coloured outfit.
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