The audience loved Sunny Leone and Shah Rukh Khan dancing to the tunes of Laila O Laila in Khan’s upcoming film Raees. From her debut in Jism 2 to her latest song in SRK’s thriller, Sunny has come a long way. She has not looked back since then and the actress has gone all guns blazing to prove Bollywood that she is a name not to reckon with.
2016 has been Sunny Leone’s best year so far. The actress did turn on the heat with her hot photoshoot which she did for the Man Force calendar 2016. She graced several award function events and red carpets and looked stunning every time she stepped out.
From traditional to western wear, the actress has rocked all the looks. Her Instagram account is filled with photos where she donned different avatars.
An avid animal lover, Sunny believes in animal rights. Her dedication towards the cause has won her PETA’s person of the year award. As per Yahoo India, she has been the most searched personality of the year. Sunny has achieved the feat by beating the likes of Salman Khan and Narendra Modi.
You just can’t take your eyes away! The actress has charmed everyone with her performances in several films. This year, she did three movies altogether.
Also read: Photos: From Priyanka to Katrina, Bollywood divas who looked red hot in 2016!
We feel that Sunny Leone is going to rock the year 2017 as well with the same panache and grace.
(Courtesy: YouTube|Bollywood Hangout)
(Courtesy: YouTube|Movie Talkies)
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